Amazon product reviews are the lifeline that either propels sales into happy celebrations or sends listings all the way back to the dreaded page 20. Reviews reduce the time it takes for a product to go from unknown to well-known. Since product reviews have such a significant impact on conversion rates, they are an effective tool for sellers to go from having no income to being able to quit their day jobs.

How To Remove Bad Reviews On Amazon?

1. Contacting Amazon

Amazon will remove product reviews that do not follow the rules for submission.

A review must obviously violate the Amazon feedback removal policy, as I had previously mentioned, in order to be removed.

The simplest approach entails selecting the “Report Abuse” option which can be found below each review.

It is advantageous to adhere to the review and community rules.

You can get the review removed by highlighting how the buyer disregarded certain requirements and your arguments for why the review ought to be deleted.

The ASIN for the product, the date and time the review was published, the name of the reviewer, and a link to the review are other important details you should consider including.

Resist the urge to bulk-report all of your bad reviews to see how many will be taken down.

Long-term results from this won’t be favorable, and it might also lower your seller rating and reputation on Amazon.

2. Contacting A Customer

Another choice is to request that the review be taken down from the website.

However, you must abide by Amazon’s rules when asking clients to remove unfavorable reviews on Amazon.

This suggests that you cannot ask them to delete their feedback in exchange for a complete refund.

When you do this, Amazon may suspend your account.

Through the buyer-seller messaging service, you can contact the customer and attempt to resolve their issue.

How To Get Positive Reviews On Amazon?

1. Excellent Customer Service

Because they believe they have been misled about a product, most customers write negative reviews.

When Expectation > Reality → Unhappy customer

You need to make sure that your product details page accurately describes what you offer in order to avoid confusion or unwarranted expectations.

At the end of the day, you can’t please every client.

However, you can improve your chances of getting a good review by trying to resolve problems as they arise as quickly as possible by offering excellent customer service.

If you act quickly on customer requests, customers will value your business more.

If you don’t have the time to manage the customer experience, you might want to hire a feedback manager to manage customer communication via the buyer-seller messaging system.

2. Use The “request A Review” Button

Within four to 30 days of purchase, you can manually request reviews for every one of your orders using Amazon’s “Request a Review” button in your Account with Amazon Seller Central.

This is a very potent feature that can greatly increase your chances of receiving a favorable review, especially if you have happy clients.

3. Come Up With An Email Contact List

You’ll need to establish your own brand outside of Amazon, and build an e-mail list.

From there you can ask customers who have purchased from you for positive reviews.

Another popular tactic is to put product inserts in your current products that invite customers to subscribe to your list.

4. Take Note Of Your Seller Performance

Make sure your customer service is deserving of rave reviews by tracking your performance.

As a result of Seller Central’s ability to track your performance, you can easily monitor the quality of your customer service.

To view these metrics, go to the Performance tab in Seller Central.

The metrics in your Performance tab that aren’t meeting Amazon’s objectives should be noted. Then, consider your selling tactics to see how you can improve the accuracy of those metrics.

By monitoring your seller performance, you can clearly see how your processes can be improved to encourage more positive feedback.

Preventing Negative Feedback On Amazon

Here are some steps you can take to help prevent unfavorable feedback:

  • maintain a minimum stock level.
  • Synchronize your back-end systems to make certain that stock availability and ship times can be matched.
  • Include images and precise product descriptions in your listings. The item must be delivered to customers exactly as described on the product detail page.
  • Make sure the email and phone numbers listed on your website’s Amazon Help pages are accurate.
  • Aim to be courteous, relevant, and appropriate in all of your interactions with customers.
Bad Reviews

Customer Opinions

Reviews of products are subjective. Additionally, Amazon prefers each customer have one. To be clear, Amazon won’t even consider removing a review simply because it is unfavorable but discusses the customer’s experience with the product. Reviews of that nature are legitimate.

Assuming you have an Amazon-approved justification, nobody is certain if Amazon will actually accept it or when they will respond. I understand that Seller Central transfers such cases: “This feature’s team does not use the case system and is independent of Seller Support. Due to the fact that investigation findings are kept confidential, your case will appear to be closed in Seller Central.”

Keep in mind that the only certainty is that if you don’t try, nothing will happen.

The How-Tos

There are two ways to submit requests to have non-compliant negative product reviews removed: report abuse or get in touch with Seller Support. Both ways are included. This is not an either/or situation, so I advise using both.

Write specific, approved justifications for why the content is offensive (while following Amazon’s rules). then submit by clicking the orange Report as inappropriate button.

Contact Seller Support

This option enables you to build your removal case with a lot more information.

Before you go crazy flagging every 1-star review, keep in mind that Amazon may or may not delete the ones with actual content violations, so don’t waste everyone’s time trying to get legitimately bad reviews taken down.

Can Unfavorable Product Reviews Be Changed?

A source of frustration for some sellers is feedback with three stars or less. Others acknowledge that numerous valid reviews with ratings of 2 or 3 stars are seen as having higher levels of authenticity. Customers find a mixture useful. They read both because of this.

Think about the fact that you won’t be destroyed by a few unfavorable reviews. You could try contacting the customer if, for example, you have compliant negative product reviews that Amazon would likely refuse to remove. Just do so wisely. At no point can you ever state or imply that if a customer improves their product review, you will give them a gift, discount on their next order, refund, or anything other than a genuine “Thank you.”

Even with carefully written instructions included, there are times when a reviewer simply doesn’t understand how to use a product correctly. In most cases, potential customers can tell that the reviewer’s limitations, rather than those of the product, are the problem. In order to balance out those negative reviews and boost confidence in your name and brand, it is important for the seller to take the time to respond in a polite, professional, and non-defensive manner on the detail page for everyone to see. Answering questions frequently causes a customer to change their review of their own free will.

Although it might be tempting, resist the urge to stop communicating with your customers. Maintaining communication with Amazon benefits you. Amazon nods in approval when they observe a seller responding to customer concerns about a product. Avoid being caught attempting incorrect resolutions outside of Amazon’s platform. If a customer writes a review about how you called them or personally emailed them, then offered them x, y, or z to have their negative feedback removed, even the best intentions could end up backfiring with ominous consequences. Consider it a warning sign to think twice if reading that causes your palms to perspire because the thought just occurred to you.